The term Grayware dates back to 2004 and it refers to unwanted software programs that cause problems or nuisances to the user. The term refers to the fact that this type of software is in a gray area because they are not as problematic as Viruses but at the same time they are not completely harmless and can and had lead to a lot of problems .
The most common example of Grayware are those anoying pop-ups that appear on sites, they can lead to accidental dowload of viruses or more malware. There are 4 main types of Grayware


This are the most well known type of Grayware, there are what we usually call pop-ups that appear on those sketchy web pages. This ads usually promote more malware or scams, they are created to make money since everything you see promoted there it's because someone payed money for that promotion, the more clicks they make the more money they make. while anoying they are not very harmful.


Spyware is a type of malicious program specifically prepared to illegally spy on the victims system and collect data such as visited websites and general infos about the user or the machine. sometimes even trusted operating systems have spyware installed in them by default. data collect with this method will usually be sold to companies to target the user with better ads


Madware is short for Mobile Adware. They are mostly like spyware but for phones in particualr Android phones. They are harder to detect or get rid of since you don't have the same tools or anti-viruses on mobile compared to an acutal Computer


Keyloggers is one of the most dangerous ones because they can record keystrokes so an user can see what you typed when you were putting your credit card infos on any webpage or steal passwords from you. Back in the early 2000s when the famous game company was developing Half Life 2 there were multiple hackes inside Valves servers because thanks to keyloggers they knew the passwords to get in and managed to leak a prototype to the public, since it was only a prototype it was a very rough and broken version of the game and cause a lot of bad press for the game.
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