Well Known Polymorphic viruses

The following are among the most well known polymorphic viruses in the history of computers.


Ursnif is a well known polymorphic virus, it contains a Trojan component which steals credentials from the user, in this case it’s aim are Home Banking Devices, luckily though many banking services now use a double authentication, which makes them seemingly safe against this type of attack.
A Variant is continuously targeting the italian banking system even recently(As of Januray 12th 2021), such variant is known as Gozi. This variant is usually injected within a word file and sent through e-mail to the victim.
More info can be found here.


Virlock is a polymorphic virus which, unlike ursnif, contains a ransomware component. This virus was first seen in 2014 and by 2016 it was found that it is capable of spreading through cloud storage and collaboration apps. It selects files and encrypts them but also converts them to polymorphic infectors themselves. Unlike normal ransomware this strain of viruses targets also binary files, thus allowing virlock to render each and every file it infects a new vector of itself. If an infected file were to be opened by a user, all of the user’s files would be encrypted.

When the user has been locked out of his own system he will be prompted to pay a ransom, but be careful if the computer is effectively infected with virlock, it is not safe to assume that even paying the ransom the files would all be restored, a single remaining infected file would corrupt the whole system once again.

The ransom claims to be from Federal Agencies from America, and blackmails the user with fines and prison if they were to not pay the fine. This is an old social engineering tactic.


VOBFUS is a polymorphic virus, which contains a worm component. This virus takes advantage of the Windows AutoRun feature in order to spread removable drives. Its polymorphism, works by adding garbage code with every iteration and to modify its code so as to generate new variants. When executed Worm-VOBFUS, create AutoStart registry entries, it also connects to several sites in order to receive directives from remote malicious users. Lastly VOBFUS hook APIS (Application programming Interface) preventing task manager and process explorer from killing its process.

Well Known Polymorphic Viruse

Edoardo Salvioni

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