About us

I have to say, it's Amazing how this weird bunch of people managed to pull this of; University students who had to organize themselves, under the guidance of two awesome team leader, and with the hard work of all people involved; from team members, to sub leaders, to our glourius leaders , this project has ben a great adventure for all.

Computer Viruses?

At first we where taken aback by such a wide topic, but that didn't stop our team member following a good advice, and immediatly (I think) jumping into the research job, while the varius team leaders where occupied organizing, designing, and bashing their heads against walls and tables, trying to figure out what was wrong (with html, CSS, git, their life...).
This allowed us to immediatly get comfortable with our assigned argoument.

Our awesome team


Hun Rim

Hun Rim | Team leader

Working as the co-leader of our group was a challenging yet great experience. I am thankful to everyone in our team who worked tirelessly over the last few weeks to create a wonderful webpages, and of course to my co-leader Kyla, and other leaders who supported the whole group through out the project.

Through this experience, I learned the importance and the challenges of working in a large group. We have finished over 100 pages in a short increment of time but it was undeniably very challenging to keep the whole team coordinated and connected over the last month. However, it was indeed a great opportunity to obtain real-life experience as a developer.

Kyla Belle Kaplan | Team Leader

I am so grateful for being able to call myself the team leader of this group project. I am filled with pride over the amount of work and the effort everyone put in to making their pages. This was a wonderful learning experience about how to work in large groups of people, learning to manage time and tasks equally, and being able to do it with such a wonderful co-leader such as Hun :)

If I could change one thing about the way this project went - I wouldn't change anything, and that goes to show how happy I am with how this project went, and I would be happy to do it all over again.


Kyla Kaplan


Nicola Mazzucchelli

Nicola Mazzucchelli | CSS leader

I was already aquainted with CSS and html, so I wasn't bothered by the idea of having the role of CSS leader.
I had a lot of fun keeping to find problems in the style, because of css and html alliance against all programmers, to just make it difficult to center a <div> element inside of a page; this is because i love the feeling when a seemengly impenetrable wall disappears, and you can focus on your achivement of succeding (that is, until the next wall appears, and you start over with the cycle).

Nicola Fontana | CSS leader

Hi, I really wanted to take the CSS leader role because I'll be much intrested one day to work as a front-end developer.
I enjoy to develop web pages with Adobe XD and Figma; it's very intresting what you can come up with just a handfull of guidelines, moods and collages and the best part is traslating everything in CSS and HTML.


Nicola Fontana


Raffaele Perri

Raffaele Perri | HTML maker

I took care of TROJAN (malware section) and MULTIPARTITE VIRUS (computer virus section).
Making and designing those pages took me lots of time, but it worth it all.
At first glance, my knowledges about these topics where not satisfying, but then thanks to all the work done I have to admit I feel more confident about them. Working with all the group and spending so much time together has been a pleasure and I am proud of the final result.

Francesco Caglianone | Html maker

I took care of the opening pages for Cyber Security, dividing it in 3 subcategories which are: Hardware Security, Software Security and Network Security with linked all the pages of the other security team members, i than did an extra page in the Software Security branch about 2 Factor Authentication.


Francesco Caglianone


MohamadAli Atwi

MohamadAli Atwi | HTML maker

I was responsible for researching and creating pages for various topics inside the security part, from RAID technology to anti-malware software. I enjoyed working on this project alongside the other members of the team, as well as the group leaders, css leaders and the team leaders who did a great job to bring this project together.

Nicolò Tafta | HTML MAKER

I took care of 5 pages, bringing the history of the first Bugs up to those of video games. I was very pleased to work in a group and discover all the tools to do it like the GIT.

Nicolò Tafta image

Nicolò Tafta


Jeferson Morales Mariciano

Jeferson Morales Mariciano | Topic Leader

I managed the security topic as leader. The wide research done so far was exhausting, but two questions keep hardening my mind.
Was the work done worth doing?
We did it, and as a topic leader I am satisfied about what we accomplished as a team.
Was the work done enough?
No, and never will. As a matter of fact, analysing the history of computer threads and the progessive aggressive behaviour and evolution of malware and comouter viruses in all their forms, security is now and for all the days to come the most critical topic of all, where information and solutions will never be enough.

Kirustika Mohanathas | HTML maker

Hello! I did about Fred Cohen and Michelangelo virus in the history section. It was a wonderful experience because it was the first time working as a team with a lot of people. I had some trouble dealing with Git but it's not a big deal, you know why? Because we had a great team.


Kirustika Mohanathas

Mattia Gianinazzi

Mattia Gianinazzi

Mattia Gianinazzi | HTML maker

In this project I was part of the group that dealt with the history, more precisely I dealt with Robert Tappan Morris with the Morris Worm and the SQL_Slammer.
This project allowed me to improve my skills with html and above all with git that I didn't understand very well how it worked, but now, after having used it for a few weeks I can say that I know how to use git well enough.
I really enjoyed this project so much it made me discover many html things that I had not used yet and it made me discover many others that I have not used in this project but that will be useful in the future.
I was also happy to work with the group that had precise and organized leaders so as to be able to carry out the project in the best possible way to have just met and have just started this training path.

Paolo Deidda| HTML maker

Responsible for the pages on the different perspectives that different actors have on the topics of safety, security, prevention, and recovery maneuvers. In the process, I learned how important it is for people to be informed about how their personal data is handled by public instituitions. I also wrote about specific hardware that are used to access and infect other people's computers: really interesting!


Paolo Deidda


Francesco Angelo Fantozzi

Francesco Angelo Fantozzi | HTML maker

I contributed to the project by designing pages such as ransomware, malicious applications, and overwrite viruses. I enjoyed researching about these topics and practicing with HTML, as I don’t have a strong background with it. Moreover, I found these topics particularly interesting and I decided to research about real-life examples of similar problems, and I designed two pages about Yahoo! and Twitch hack.

Jarod Facineroso | HTML maker

I wrote the pages about the Creeper and the Elk Cloner in the history chapter. Learning about these old viruses was very fun and intriguing. While I was already familiar with html, this project did help me get better acquainted with the git, which I’m sure will be of use in the future. I was also lucky enough to have a well-organized topic leader who was able to divide the history pages in a very clear way


Jarod Facineroso


Arseni Loika

Arseni Loika | Computer Virus Topic Leader

I enjoyed being a topic leader for this project because I am fascinated by all things cyber security. Before taking on this role, I supported 11 princes, invested in 5 valid, non-pyramid scheme businesses and had 7 different anti-virus softwares that clean my pc every day. I am pretty sure my pc mined Bitcoin when i was asleep and whenever I booted it up I had to pay ransom for every file on there.

It took many weeks of in depth research to know about what I did wrong and how to protect myself, and if you don’t want to end up like me, read on!

Alika Tsulygina | HTML Maker

I took care of the pages and case studies in the Malware section. The pages include articles about the Keylogger, RAMscrapper and Macrovirus. The extra case studies are about malware in cars and cyberwarfare.

I have also worked (a ton) on making all the pages in every sub-topic have relevant and aesthetically pleasing images.


Alika Tsulygina


Philip Krause

Philip Krause | HTML Maker

I wrote the pages about Companion viruses, Computer worms, WannaCry, Zeus and Carbanak. I would like to say thank you to Kyla and Hun for their outstanding leadership. I would also like to thank Arseni, Jeff, Martin and Ilia for all their help with organizing the project. Cybersecurity research is always fun.

Thomas Bertini | Git Leader

I was in charge of creating the git repository, a powerful tool enabling everyone to work together on the same content. Explaining to my teammates how this tool worked was not easy, so I decided to make a guide "GIT.pdf" to help them work with it. I have also created a page inside of the History topic.
I really liked working on GIT and together with a relatively big team, which is a great "warmup" for the future work all of us will have to do in the years to come.


Thomas Bertini


Ilia Zeller

Ilia Zeller | Topic leader

My role in this project was to organize the history topic and to lead and help the people that worked in my group. I also created the history landing page, that was important in order to wrap together all the subtopics of the main history topic. I’m very happy about how my group worked: everyone was always in time for all the internal deadlines and if there were any kind of problems we always discussed about them and together managed to solve them. This was a great experience, a bit stressful sometimes, but overall full of learning and constructive discussions.

Alberto Sardo | History Topic Team Member

My effort in this project consisted into research the 4 proposed topics, developing them and creating different Html pages to expose and explain every concept in the most readable and user-friendly way. It was part of my goal to explain the history, functioning and consequences of every important milestone in the virus history that I needed to analyse. Moreover, I put much effort into presenting every concept on a clear and minimal Html page to help the reader better understand and raise awareness about the Virus’s risks. I worked synchronically with the Team Leader and all the other group members and I’m glad of this workgroup experience and the final result achieved.


Alberto Sardo


Arina Shteyn

Arina Shteyn | Computer Viruses Team Member

This team project was very insightful for me, as I got to work on and research a very interesting & useful field - Malware and Computer Viruses, in addition to helping with the second bonus question. I admire the leadership of all the group members who were in charge of us; they did an outstanding job providing clear instructions, being available for inquiries and help all day every day and above all doing an amazing job in their respective tasks. Overall this project was a lot of hours of hard work, yet it was very enjoyable, especially seeing the results of what a group of determined, skilled and engaged people can bring together.

Carson He | HTML maker

This is Carson, accompanied by a official name hard to pronounce Chengjiang. I took care of 7 pages in total about the Adware, Spyware, Malware, Trickbot, DDoS, Spam, Emotet. Doing research about these topic allowed me get a better understanding of them. Working with my teammates was a extremely pleasant business. Thanks everyone paid effort to this project, especially Hun and Kyla who well organized the all team to work together and my topic leader Martin who helped me to deal with the git stuff.


Carson He


Leonardo Guanci

Leonardo Guanci | HTML maker

I managed the web pages about botnets, cryptojacking and direct action viruses. I had to do a lot of researches to find out information about these topics so I could gather the knowledge into simple pages where everything is explained in the clearest possible way. By doing so I dived into new aspects of the IT world facing concepts I've never encountered before.

Gianluca Maragliano | HTML maker

In this project I was part of the group in charge of creating the pages about the history of computer viruses, in particular I wrote the pages about John von Neumann, his theory on self replication and the Brain virus. Thanks to this project I have refined my html and git skills, also thanks to the help of my excellent companions and leaders.


Gianluca Maragliano


Martin Lettry

Martin Lettry | Topic Leader

I enjoyed my role as topic leader for this subject as it enabled me to not only expand my knowledge about computers and malware, but it also enabled me to connect and interact with more of my classmates and generally to get to know people better. During this process I got to work with great people just as passionate about informatics as I am, meaning for a positive and rewarding work experience, which I feel was beneficial for all of us.

Gianluca Ugolotti | HTML maker

I was in the security subgroup and I worked mainly on 4 pages:                                       a brief history of antiviruses, antiviruses in general,                                       the differences between a free version of antiviruses                                       and a paid version and which one to choose. 


Gianluca Ugolotti


Name Surname

Name Surname | Role

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat

Name Surname | Role

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure


Name Surname


Edoardo Salvioni

Edoardo Salvioni | He who does not git.

I took care of rootkits (malware section), polymorphic viruses and resudent viruses (computer virus section). It was interesting researching such topics, it is safe to assume that it has broadened my knowledge on viruses and malwares.

I also took care of both bonuses, first and second. The most difficult part, was trying to keep the paths resolved while traversing pages interlinked with each other. Some solutions i came up with are everything but elegant, but it works.(does it?) I also helped in coming up with a JS script to handle the search bar. I truly enjoyed working alongside my team members.